Saturday, September 2, 2017

A veggie meal that lasts!

Some concerns with a veg* diet often are, "I need to feel satisfied and to have a meal that lasts!" or "I can't get as much protein with a vegetarian diet as I can with meat!" Considering I'm 6' 2" and 220 lbs, and I can gain or lose weight as I please, "Wait a minute, Yes you can!" For example, doing some quick research on Wikipedia shows the following protein content for 100g (grams) of the following foods:
  • Potato: 2g
  • Quinoa: 4g (after cooking)
  • Firm Tofu: 10.7g (10.7% protein content)
  • Edamame: 10.88g
  • Tempeh: 20.29g
  • French Lentils: 22g
A balanced veg* diet will include food sources that are substantial in protein, beyond small amounts (like the potato, which is included for comparison's sake). And if you include two significant protein sources in a meal, even better! For example, lentils and quinoa, tofu and quinoa, beans and lentils, nuts with chickpeas in a salad, etc. There are many ways to get creative with multiple protein sources plus it will result in a more satisfying and lasting meal, too!

Tofu and Tempeh are both high-protein sources, effectively the equivalent of meat. Tempeh is robust when sauteed in olive oil and simmered with some soy sauce, and a great alternative for folks who aren't keen on tofu.

It isn't necessary to have the same protein source all the time! Mix them up: Beans, lentils, nuts, edamame, tofu, tempeh, etc.

Finally, taking a multi-vitamin supplement is recommended for a veg* or low-dairy diet, to provide sufficient calcium and B vitamins.

Packaged Tempeh from the Grocery Store

Firm Tofu produced in Oakland, CA

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