Sunday, April 7, 2013

Isolated soy protein as a food additive

Facebook has become useful for bringing my attention to issues that would otherwise sneak right by me. Like the fact that Post Cereals recently started adding isolated soy protein to Grape-nuts cereal. I find it unfortunate when brands start tweaking their tried and true products, presumably to raise margins or reduce production cost. And I noticed many others were upset, too.

As it turns out ISP is a mixed bag as a food additive. But I really hope Post will review its action and return to the original recipe. Grape-nuts has a long standing as one of only TWO major cereal brands on store shelves that has no added sugar - and that's a reputation worth holding on to!

1 comment:

  1. As it happily turns out, Post responded to significant customer outcry and removed the ISP from "Original GrapeNuts", which is back on market shelves. Great move, Post, and please keep "Original GrapeNuts" the same as always, it's an awesome cereal as is!
