Saturday, July 2, 2016


It's a really mundane topic, but have you ever read the ingredients on the box? It's typically a chemical hodgepodge, and frankly, that makes me nervous! Not to mention there's ongoing arguments over the safety of triclosan, an antibacterial additive that fell out of favor in the 1990s only to reappear in the last few years and sodium lauryl sulfate, too.

My thought is, "Use something that's efficacious yet as simple and natural as possible". But reading the ingredient list on the plethora of toothpaste options in the typical store is disturbing, as nearly all contain a long list of multi-syllable chemical compounds. Disappointingly, even Tom's of Maine is filled with complex ingredients.

In my ad-hoc and unscientific search for toothpaste options, I've opted to go with Arm & Hammer Truly Radiant. Yes, it has sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium saccharine, and sodium fluoride, but there's no ideal "all natural" option on the shelves that I've found, unless you want to use pure baking soda only. Anyway, here's a shot of the A&H if you want to check it out. Tip: Click on the pictures to zoom in; then click on the "X" at the top right-hand corner to close the zoom window.

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