This article only applies only to those with a compromised immune system or one that's been weakened from past health events.
Despite my diet and conditioning with an emphasis on well-being, I had a really hard time during this past cold and flu season getting past one or two obnoxious bugs.
Finally, after six weeks, my strength, feelings of well-being, and energy levels are finally returning (Hallelujah!)
I notice that I've been bothered by a nagging cough, post nasal drip, and what seems like constant seasonal allergy symptoms.
While it's possible that seasonal allergies are at large, I've come to suspect that my immune system never relaxed back to normal levels following the battle with the last cold/flu bug. To make a long story short, I think my immune system stayed hyperactive and overly sensitive, potentially reacting to environmental stimulants that normally wouldn't aggravate it!
Once I realized this, I concluded my body needed some assistance to calm my immune system down. Ah ha! An antihistamine is probably in order. Furthermore, not just a one-shot deal, but on-going, 24x7 for at least some days or up to a week - until sensitization responses finally relaxed!
A couple of days into taking some over the counter long acting antihistamine, it seems my theory was correct! I'm feeling better and slowly climbing out of my reactive funk. While I'm not a doctor and can't categorically identify cause and cure, I'm pretty convinced I'm on to something that will help me ahead, too. We'll see how things play out in the long run, for now I'm moving on with my regular life at last :-)
It's been a couple of months since this post, but I just want to circle back and confirm that using antihistamine strategically as I mentioned has helped! It seems we've had a really nasty early spring of pollens here in California, and using some generic Loratadine tablets, once a day for a while, has helped.