Thursday, May 17, 2012


Most people are aware of the importance of antioxidants in their diet, but which foods are high in these beneficial compounds?

Well, here's a few:
  • Dried plums (prunes)
  • Dark berries (blueberries, blackberries, acai, etc.)
  • Dark grapes and grape juice
  • Dark chocolate (60% cacao or better, without excessive sugar and saturated fat, and in moderation).
  • Red wine
A small portion one or two of these every day will provide a fine boost to your system.

Fresh air and movement

For those who have to work inside most of the day, grab on to the value of getting some fresh air at least once a day. Take 15 min during your lunch break and walk around the block, a trail, or whatever, take some deep breaths along the way, and get some fresh air and sunshine. Vitamin D is supplied by moderate sun exposure and a little exercise helps keep your joints flexible and functioning - so go for it!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Big picture resources

These two films are worthwhile views for gaining a better appreciation of healthy eating and making wise food choices that will assist feeding earth's growing population in the decades ahead, too. You may not agree with every premise presented in these films, but I guarantee they'll open your thinking to new possibilities about nutrition, sustainability, and making a difference by what you bring home to eat:
Another under appreciated topic: Fresh, potable water for a thirsty world. See Fred Pearce's book for an stimulating presentation about the concerns and potential on this front, too.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Big Natural Brands

Success brings visibility - and visibility brings mergers and acquisitions. The corporate parents of some of these originally natural brands was eye opening to me and I suspect you'll find it so, too :-)